None of what we do through Elida would have been possible without people standing with us in prayer and with financial help. Throughout Elida’s history, the work has been sustained by the commitment and gifts of “the people”.
To get something back from us where you can get information and keep up with what’s happening on board and in the business, we have a few different avenues.
You can follow us through our various social media channels and you can sign up for PartnerShip to occasionally receive a letter or small magazine sent home from us.
If you want to give more continuously, on a regular basis, you can join Elida PartnerShip and then you will receive a letter every month from Stefan and Diana Abrahamsson where they share even closer thoughts and experiences about what is going on in the work and with the concept of the Foundation Stone we want to make it possible for entrepreneurs to step in and be a concrete support team for our operation’s economy.
Help us do our work! Through your donation, you enable us to touch people in places and situations unique to Elida’s work.
For donations from Sweden:
If you would like to make a one-off donation, you can do so by making a deposit to our bankgiro or via Swish.
- Bankgiro number: 240-9001 (belongs to the Elida Foundation)
- Swishnumber: 123 431 76 57 (belongs to the Elida Foundation)
For donations from abroad:
- Foundation registration/organisation number: 802423-9926
- Bank: Nordea
- IBAN number: SE68 3000 0000 0404 2130 3928
Please indicate “Stiftelsen Elida” as the recipient.
Elida also has a social action work in the third world, where we especially want to help vulnerable and orphaned children.
Select one of the images below for more information.