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The organisation

The organization Elida primarily consists of a foundation, the shipping company (Elida AB) and our crew.

The foundation

The Elida Foundation is a fund-raising foundation and joint owner of the company Elida AB (Ltd.). The foundation guards the founding document and has the main responsibility of formulating, keeping and sustaining the vision and goal of the organization activities, assuring that these follow the founding statutes.

The objects of the Foundation are:
1. to spread the good news of Jesus through dock meetings and other public gatherings.
2. to give the Word of God to young people, e.g. through camp activities, so they can develop a personal faith and to provide them with Christian values that can help them become good and responsible members of society.
3. to raise concern in eschatological issues.
4. to raise interest in sailing, seafaring and nature.
5. to raise interest in issues regarding missions and developing countries.

The Elida Foundation board consists of the following people:
• Anders Antblad (Chairman)
• Stefan Abrahamsson
• Nathalie Bencic
• Hans Gabre
• Magnus Haglund
• Joseph Karlendal
• Karin Nytomt
• Noah Sundkvist

The company

The shipping company Elida AB (Ltd.) is the owner and trustee of the sailing vessel Elida V.
The company board is responsible for the daily operations and work within the organization.

The Elida AB bord consists of the following people:
• Stefan Abrahamsson (Chairman)